Welcome to BASIC

About Me

My first computer was a Coleco ADAM. My parents had no idea what they were buying and I was on my way to a new future. Well, that's what I thought until life happened.

As I continued through elementary school and then high school, I quickly learned that Coleco stopped making this computer and I needed a PC compatible system to get me through until graduation. 5 1/4" floppies were the thing and not data packs (cassette tapes). In my senior years the 3 1/2" floppy had replaced those big black flimsy disks when the school bought brand new IBM PS/2 computers.

I started programming in BASIC using an early version of DOS around the time I started high school, earlier ADAM programming was hard to get my young brain around, so it didn't last long. I struggled once I finished high school figuring out what was next after all the computer classes I took. I didn't have any guidance to help me here and the internet wasn't around yet as we know it today to search for any help. The few friends who were into computers also ended up getting real jobs because we didn't know what to do with computers.

After a few years of soul searching I ended up in Architecture but still dabbled in tech. Upgrading my systems from 286, 386, 486 and so on. I signed up for Compuserve and started coding in HTML once I got hooked surfing the web. I had a side gig as tech support for family, friends and companies I worked at because they didn't know what to do. I even shared my own email account with this one company because they didn't have email! The 90's was a crazy time to be online, especially in 1999 with the Y2K scare!

Linux came into the picture around the late 90's, maybe 2000 and I was hooked. Apple and Mac OSX did hook me at the same time as well. There were PalmPilots, WindowsCE devices, iPods, Zunes and all the phones along the way. I'm sure I'll write stories about all of this as it comes back to me!

Now that life happened and I'm older, some days I sit back and think about all the crazy memories over coffee. I'm looking forward to sharing stories here about the past and present.