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DuckDuckGo browser review

I’ve been testing out the browser from DuckDuckGo for about a month now. When Mozilla recently posted about what their future plans were, many of us were confused and some, disgusted. So I stuck with LibreWolf on my Linux station and switched to DuckDuckGo browser on my Mac, iPhone and Pixel. There is no linux version at this moment.

I use Vivaldi at work on my Windows laptop and it has been good but after trying it on my personal devices, I just didn’t need all the overhead with its many features. I didn’t use them so I didn’t stay on it.

There are no extensions in the DDG browser but this doesn’t stop me from using it. The built in privacy and security features are as good and I don’t even think about it. The DuckPlayer is an awesome feature where you can choose to use it every time you click a YouTube link. It blocks the ads and plays right away.

It’s worth a try if you haven’t checked it out.



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