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End of the year

Seems everyone on social media are creating reviews of their favorite stuff in 2023. I've met some cool people on Mastodon this year and enjoyed reading their blogs. It's been a different year for me personally due to health and other personal events. Though I feel good where I'm at and look forward to a new year. I really try hard to be positive but I do break down some days.

As I get older, I seem to just allow myself to be me. I'm not concerned about what people think and after the pandemic it somewhat feels more acceptable. I'm an intorvert but in the past always put on a show when I had to in social settings. I would be drained afterwards and need to charge up my batteries which would take days. Now it may take weeks before being in another social setting.

My tech gear has changed this year. I started using GrapheneOS daily on a Pixel 7 with a different cell carrier due to pockets of no service with my old carrier. I keep an iOS device around to stay connected to family and friends. It's easier to do this with 99% of them in the ecosystem. Carrying two phones is new for me and I'm still figuring it out. After experimenting with one phone, it really didn't work out for various reasons in my situation. In the new year, I would like to find a balance with my computers and phones in my home office. Become more organized and minimalist if that is possible with my online and offline life.

Wishing you all a good holiday and healthy new year.

#android #grapheneos #tech