Welcome to BASIC

Happy Star Wars Day!

I've been a big fan as far as I can remember when the first movie came out in 1977. I was still a baby so never experienced it in the theatre but eventually in the 80's when my family got our first Betamax VCR, they rented it for us to watch at home. This was a huge event for many households to watch a big name movie and free to watch it several times before bringing it back.

I continued collecting figurines, wore clothes with images of the movies, played the video games and build lego collections still to this day. I've had some food delivery driver's comment on my cool shirts which is pretty nice. I don't see it too often people wearing fan shirts of their favorite hobbies and interests these days. We need to bring this back into acceptable fashion at our workplaces!

Share your stories with me on Mastodon. Have a great day and may the force be with you!

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