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What to do with old tech?

I have several old smarthome devices that are in a box. I’m sure you have them too. Old first gen models from Amazon Alexa speakers, Google Wi-Fi devices, old wi-fi light bulbs that are just a bulb now and other items that I don’t use anymore.

Not sure what to do with this stuff. I really dislike how our society has become with this disposable electronics. I stopped buying anything I don’t need and already regret recent purchases. Every day I think about selling everything of value and just go back to using one old computer until it dies. It’s not like tech is changing that much these days for my needs.

My heart has always been in old tech and linux but I keep going back to Apple because it makes daily life simple. The ecosystem helps me stay connected with family and friends that are on iOS. Some days I just wonder if it’s worth it to be connected to everything every day.

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