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Podcasts Listening

I’ve listened to podcasts since the start, perhaps around 2005 I believe. There were some great video podcasts around tech that eventually moved to YouTube or their own networks. It was nice to see them grow and support the hosts. I used many devices throughout the years to enjoy podcasts.

Today I don’t have the same connection I used to with podcasts. It’s sad for me to even type this post. I used to listen to a variety of podcasts in the office, my work commute, walking my dog and during house tasks. I believe I’m down to five podcasts now. I don’t go into the office much and after losing my dog I don’t walk much at all.

For many years I listened to the linux podcasts from Jupiter Broadcasting but their crypto talk just finally pushed me over the edge. I keep Linux Unplugged on my list but nothing else now. I listen to Darknet Diaries, a great podcast about hacking and cybercrimes. A real gem of a podcast. Other linux podcasts I listen to are the Late Night Linux Family all feed. So far the shows are different and interesting that I subscribe to the main feed. A retro podcast I’ve listened to for years is the Retroist Retro Podcast. I’m glad this one is still around after unsubscribing to the other retro podcast that got sold out to some bigger network. The ads are horrible and it ruins the quality of the podcast. Happy that Retroist is still here for my retro listening.

The last podcast I hear is more of one I found while I was watching old episodes of Miami Vice. It’s called the Vice of Miami. I only listen to it when I have caught up on the previous podcasts.

I’m not sure if I want to listen to anything new or grow my collection again. Maybe my love affair with this old tech is dwindling. I’ve tried to listen to true crime, tech news and pop culture podcasts but I think I’m not the audience any longer. I just feel like I’m outgrowing all the great moments of tech. What we have now is social media, AI and crypto. It truly is sad what has become of great ideas and people. For now, I’ll continue with these podcasts but I can see one day my interest completely disappearing and unfollowing any podcast.

#entertainment #podcast #tech