Welcome to BASIC


A page for my ideas that I'm working towards completing soon. I got the idea from Dom Corriveau. As Dom stated, I really, really, want to get done, but will take some serious work to get there.

Getting around to it soon

~In Progress~

  1. Move completely to Linux for daily use.
  2. Convert all my Apple Notes & Reminders to plain text files.
  3. Learn more about self-hosting my own information

Future, would be nice

  1. Would like a lighter linux laptop one day. It's amazing how thin and light Apple can make their hardware.
  2. Install different operating systems on all my old computers.
  3. Upgrade to a nice big wide hi-res monitor. As I get older, I prefer a desktop setting. I've been stuck with 1080p 24" screens for several years.
  4. Learn to code more programming languages.
  5. Be healthier.